Academic Excellence
Dance Xtreme understands the importance strong academics play in molding athletes into successful individuals for life. High academics is the foundation for success. DX encourages all studios to submit the academic eXcellence paperwork so they may be recognized for this outstanding accomplishment.
Studios whose combined grade point average is 3.0 or higher, on a 4.0 scale, will be recognized for their outstanding academic achievement. Individuals must be graded on a point system or equivalent grading system in order to qualify.
It is DX's desire to present a banner to every program. All you need is ONE team to qualify from your entire program.
Academic Recognition Banners will be presented live on stage during Saturday evening's Awards Program. One representative from your studio should proceed on stage to receive the award. Please pick your representative before you arrive.
Be sure to use the grading period closest to the event.
Form is due 30 days prior to event.
Academic Excellence Application PDF EXCEL