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Awards, Prizes & More

Our teams had an amazing time at DX this weekend. We are so grateful for the incredible experiences and extra opportunities DX offers to our athletes.
— Melissa Strong - 5678! Dance Studio

Regional Awards


  • All dancers will receive an adjudication pin that corresponds with their total point score.


The top third in each age and skill level category will be recognized for overalls as finalists. Winners receive:

  • Banner

  • Champion Stone on Studio Achievement Plaque

  • $75 when 7+ entries in category

    • Solos/Duos/Trios also receive individual medals


  • DX doesn’t believe in breaking ties. Both winners will receive awards and honors.

Title - Regionals

  • $100 cash prize, banner and Xtreme Title Champion gear

Best Costume

One routine per day

  • Medal & banner

  • Details HERE


  • Cash prizes are awarded in DX Dollars to be used at future DX events. All cash prizes awarded to the studio. 


  • Dancers who earn multiple scholarship certificates may use them all. However, one certificate per convention is allowed. They would need to register for additional location.

  • Scholarship prizes are awarded in DX Dollars to be used at future conventions only. They are not valid for competition entry fees.

  • All scholarship prizes awarded to the studio in the dancer’s name. Scholarships become null and void if the dancer leaves the studio.


National Awards


  • All dancers will receive an adjudication pin that corresponds with their total point score.


The top third in each age and skill level category will be recognized.

The top 3 finalists will be announced in random order and are invited to recompete later in the week during the XTREME FINALS.

Winners receive:

  • Banner

  • Individual Medals

  • Champion Stone on Studio Achievement Plaque

  • $125 when 7+ entries in category

    • Solos/Duos/Trios Xtreme Final qualifiers also receive crowns

PRODUCTION champions

  • $500 when there are 750 acts

  • $200 with 749 or less acts


  • DX doesn’t believe in breaking ties. Both winners will receive awards and honors.


  • $125 Cash Prize, Banner and elite Xtreme Title Champion gear.

Best Costume

One routine per day.

  • Medal & banner

  • Details HERE


One winner selected per age group: Mini, Petite, Junior, Teen & Senior

  • Individual medals and a group banner

  • Details HERE


  • Cash prizes are awarded in DX Dollars to be used at future DX events. All cash prizes awarded to the studio. 


  • Scholarship prizes are awarded in DX Dollars to be used at future conventions only. They are not valid for competition entry fees. All scholarship prizes awarded to the studio. 



Graduating Seniors

DX is proud to recognize graduating seniors during Nationals . A small gift will also be given to the studio director at check in.

Studio Achievement Plaques

Studios will be presented with beautiful achievement plaques at the end of their competition. Each routine will feature a colored stone for the award earned.


Lisa & John Kubinski (her father)

High Score of the Day

Lisa Saline, DX President, admired her father very much. He passed away in March of 2012. To honor her father, she established the JOHN KUBINSKI Best of the Best award based on all her father taught her during her lifetime. John always demanded that Lisa do her best with anything she tried. It was his strong belief and high expectations that helped Lisa become the woman she is today. DX will present this award to the overall high point winner each day.

Lisa & Ruth Kubinski (her mother)


Lisa’s mother was a classy, stylish woman who captivated the room as soon as she entered. She passed away in July of 2021. To honor her mother, she proudly created the Ruth Kubinski Choreography Award which will be presented to routines who mesmerize the audience and adjudicators. Ruth was called Gaga by her grandchildren. She is the “Original Lady Gaga”


Andrew Lawrence


Since Lisa Saline first began her company back in 1987, she included a Spirit & Sportsmanship Award.  It has always been an important part of her events. The Andrew Lawrence Spirit & Sportsmanship Award is the highest honor a program can earn at DX.

Each studio will VOTE for the program they feel deserves this honor.

This elite honor is named in memory of a special DX staff member, Andrew Lawrence. Andy passed away at the tender age of 11 after being hit by a car while riding his bike.

Thank you for making integrity count. This is the first competition I’ve attended that recognized good sportsmanship.
— Lindsey Andersen, parent

Academic Excellence

DX understands the importance that strong academics play in molding dancers into successful individuals for life. High academics are the foundation for success. DX encourages all studios to remit the Academic Excellence FORM.

  • A banner will be presented to each qualifying studio.

  • Teams whose cumulative grade point average is 3.0 or higher, on a 4.0 scale, will be awarded a banner for their outstanding academic achievement. Individuals must be graded on a point system or equivalent grading system in order to qualify.


Judge’s Choice

Adjudicators will present specialty awards each day.

Judging art, creativity, and dance is innately emotional and personal choice - yet as judges we are asked to remove all personal thought and preference from our scores and base our decision solely on the score sheet criteria. DX has given us an incredible opportunity as judges to finally recognize the pieces we connect with personally. This award is much more meaningful to me than any I have had the pleasure of giving out in all my years as a dance judge and I look forward to every DX event because of it.
— Charleigh France, judge