AmeriCup Awards & Prizes

High Point Grand Champions
The routine that scores the highest in each grand champ division will be awarded the Overall Grand Champion title. All genres are in the running. Dancers take home Grand Champion medals. The program will also receive a 5' tall trophy and Grand Champion banner.
Preschool, Tiny, Mini & Youth
Elementary, Middle School, Jr. High, JV & High School
Junior, Senior, Open & Collegiate

2024 Rebel Athletic Dance
DX is partnered with Rebel Athletics and they will be giving out $19,500 in prize money towards custom designed costumes. DX will be announcing the five highest scoring routines during the final awards ceremony on Sunday. Limit one per program/organization/school. Prize money is given towards customizing your own dance costumes for next year.
1st highest score = $6,000
2nd highest score = $5,000
3rd highest score = $4,000
4th highest score = $3,000
5th highest score = $1,500

Division Champions
All Division Champions receive a team banner, medals, and Champion ring (limit of one per person regardless of how many categories an individual wins).
2nd place - medals
3rd place - medals
4th place & on - contender lapel pins
Achievement Plaques
Each program will be presented with beautiful achievement plaques at the end of their competition. Each routine will feature a colored stone for the award earned.

Dance Worlds
DanceXtreme USA is a proud member of the USASF and will be awarding bids and at-large invitations to this year's United States All Star Federation Dance Worlds Championship at Walt Disney World in Florida.
2026 - 4 Partial Paid & 8 At Large Bids up for grabs
Lisa & John Kubinski (her father)
John Kubinski Best-of-the-Best
Lisa Saline, DX President, admired her father very much. He passed away in March of 2012. To honor her father, she established this award based on all her father taught her during her lifetime. John always demanded that Lisa do her best with anything she tried. It was his strong belief and high expectations that helped Lisa become the woman she is today. DX will present this award to the overall high point winner each day.
Lisa & Ruth Kubinski (her mother)
Ruth Kubinski Choreography Award
Ruth Kubinski, Lisa’s mother, was a classy, stylish woman who captivated the room as soon as she entered. She passed away in July of 2021. To honor her mother, Lisa chose the Choreography Award to be given in her memory. Those who earn this high honor encompass all that Ruth expressed the minute you met her. Judges will select routines and present during competitions.
All American Talent & Scholastic Scholarship Program
Refer to All American page for prize breakdown. Category winners will also be announced.
Performer Of The Year Winners
All soloists are in the running for Performer of the Year honors. Each age group champion will be announced during the Awards Gala.
Academic Excellence
DX understands the importance that strong academics play in molding dancers into successful individuals for life. High academics are the foundation for success. DX encourages all studios to remit the Academic Excellence FORM. A banner will be presented to each qualifying studio.
Teams whose cumulative grade point average is 3.0 or higher, on a 4.0 scale, will be awarded a banner for their outstanding academic achievement. Individuals must be graded on a point system or equivalent grading system in order to qualify.
Andrew Lawrence Spirit & Sportsmanship Award
The greatest honor a team can receive at DX events.
Since it debuted in 1987, DX has always recognized good sportsmanship and spirit. The criteria used for selection includes; respecting dancers both on and off the stage, demonstrating spirit, showing appreciation to the adjudicators, fostering a positive environment, displaying high sportsmanship, and most importantly, acting in a way in which other dancers admire.
Good sportsmanship is contagious. DX asks all fans, directors, teachers, and dancers to exhibit respect towards others. DX will award this honor to one studio at each event. Since Lisa Saline first began her company back in 1987, she included a Spirit & Sportsmanship Award. It has always been an important part of her events. The Andrew Lawrence Spirit & Sportsmanship Award is the highest honor a program can earn while at DX events. Studios will vote and the recipient announced on Saturday evening during the semi-formal Awards Program. This elite honor is named in memory of a special DX staff member, Andrew Lawrence. Andy passed away at the tender age of 11 after being hit by a car while riding his bike.
“Thank you for making integrity count. This is the first competition I’ve attended that recognized good sportsmanship.”
Judge’s Choice
Judges select their personal favorites of the championship and present winners on stage with the Judge's Choice banner.
Judging art, creativity, and dance is innately emotional and personal choice - yet as judges we are asked to remove all personal thought and preference from our scores and base our decision solely on the score sheet criteria. DX has given us an incredible opportunity as judges to finally recognize the pieces we connect with personally. This award is much more meaningful to me than any I have had the pleasure of giving out in all my years as a dance judge and I look forward to every DX event because of it.”
Duo/Trio Challenge - DTC
All candidates receive participation medals. The top three places in each division receive individual trophies. Winners of the DX Duo/Trio Challenge will receive $50 scholarships, and individual trophies. DTC recipients will be awarded for all age categories.