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Awards Gala
Unique to DX events, the Semi-formal Awards Gala has always been a favorite of attendees. The evening features recognition for teachers, individuals, as well as, academic excellence.
No ticket required. The Awards Gala is open to everyone and will take place on the main stage.
We kick-off with paparazzi interviews and photos. Dancers get interviewed and take photos!
Xtreme Title category and overall winners will be announced. Talent winners will also perform their award winning routines during the show.
Directors may recognize one individual to represent their program for the DX Distinguished Leadership Award. The night's event is all about recognition and rewarding those who've accomplished so much in the field of dance.
Want to recognize your dance teacher? Tell us why. Send in a nomination on his/her behalf. Send an email to nominate.
It is strongly encouraged that attendees wear church type clothing to prom dresses. Men are encouraged to wear shirts with ties. Jackets are optional. This is your chance to dress-up like a prince or princess and shine.